Grab a bar with a neutral grip and comfortable width between hands.
Keep bar above head towards the roof.
Contract your abdominals as you would to a sit-up, keep bar above your head through the movement.
Have your back firmly pressed against the pad
With a firm grip, grab the handles and ensure shoulders are parallel and engaged
Bring your knees up to your chest the slowly lower your legs down to the starting position.
Place feet under something with a bit of strength to keep you in place during exercise, for example a bench.
Keep hands beside or under head to support neck.
Squeeze stomach and contract during whole range.
Go down in a controlled manner and feel muscles working (never relax them during set).
Adjusted the rope so it’s fairly high up in the cable cross and start with appropriate weight. If you do this exercise strictly, then you won’t need much weight and it will become tough enough to get ripped abs. Rather focus on the contraction and feeling of the muscles working.
Grab each side of the rope with both hands.
Sit down on your knees and move slightly away from the cable cross, giving you room to move your upper body downwards.
Start movement by contracting your abdominal muscles, then go back up slowly, feeling the muscles controlling the movement the entire way. Stop just before you’re in open start position to always keep contracted through the whole set.