Grab dumbbell and turn wrist so palms are facing torso. Locking elbows tight to the body.
Starting from a completely straightened position, curl the dumbbell to a completely flexed position, ensure that movement only occurs at the elbow joint.
Slowly lower the bar to starting position and repeat.
Grab dumbbell and turn wrist so palms are facing torso. Locking elbows tight to the body, and slightly in front of the torso.
Starting from a completely straightened position, curl the dumbbell to a completely flexed position, ensuring torso and shoulders stay still, and movement only occurs at the elbow joint
Slowly lower the bar to starting position and repeat.
Lying face down on a bench angled at 54 degrees, grab bar and straighten arms completely.
Moving only at the elbow, flex the bicep to curl the bar up as far as possible, squeezing hard at the contracted position.
Lower bar slowly to staring position and repeat.
Sitting in a preacher curl machine, rest upper arms on bench and wedge upper armpit on bench.
With arms fully extended, curl the dumbell to fully flexed position whilst only moving at the elbow.
Slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position and repeat.
Sitting in a preacher curl machine, rest upper arms on bench and wedge upper armpit on bench.
With arms fully extended, curl the bar to fully flexed position whilst only moving at the elbow
Slowly lower the bar to the starting position and repeat.
Adjust pulley height so it’s about a foot above your shoulders.
Gripping the handles with an underhand grip, position yourself so your arms are fully extended and parallel to the floor and feet shoulder width from each other.
Moving only at the elbow joint, flex biceps until the biceps and the forearm touch.
Slowly straighten elbow to starting position and repeat.