Sit down on bench having adjusted the seat so it’s one position angled back from being vertical.
With palms facing forward and elbows just below parallel press dumbbells above your head, bring dumbbells together at the top.
Lower back to starting position with a controlled tempo and repeat.
Grab handels in cable cross and pull backwards.
Keep elbows slightly bent, relax in arms and shoulder and try to keep the rear part of the should do the job.
Remember to go light and don’t start by doing to heavy weight, it’s better to do it light and strict and get the feeling right in the rear delt.
Grip bar slightly inside shoulder width and place bar on upper chest.
While squeezing glutes and core to ensure safety, press up and lock out arms, ensuring bar finishes midline over body.
Slowly lower to starting position and repeat.
Starting with dumbbells to the side of your torso dumbbells and with no more than a slight bend in your elbows raise dumbbells parallel to shoulders, leading with elbow.
Once you have raise your upper arm so its parallel to the floor, slowly lowly back to starting position and repeat.
Position bar on upper back – (Do NOT place on the back of the neck), with hands securing bar positioned outside shoulder width with an overhand grip on bar.
Adopt a shoulder width stance.
Keeping weight on your heels and with a straight back, squat down as if you are sitting back into a chair and lower hips to parallel to the floor.
Ensure knees stay in line with toes, back is always straight and push THROUGH the ground with your heels to the stating position and repeat.
Sit down on bench having adjusted the seat so it’s angled back one position from being vertical.
With hands facing you at chin level and dumbbells together press up and simultaneously twist until palms are facing forwards (so thumbs will spin inwards as you press).
Continue lifting the dumbbells until your arms are extended above you in straight arm position.
Lower the dumbbells slowly in the opposite motion so you are back to the starting position of gripping the dumbbells at chin position with hands facing you and repeat.
Grip bar outside shoulder width. Lift elbows up and to the side to nipple line (elbows should drive the motion) with no bounce or momentum coming from hips and knees.
Keep the bar close to your body, and torso always should be straight.
Lower in a controlled tempo and repeat. Need personal training or/and meal plans?
Can be seated or standing). Starting with dumbbells to the side of your torso dumbbells and with no more than a slight bend in your elbows raise dumbbells parallel to shoulders, leading with elbow.
Once you have raise your upper arm so its parallel to the floor, slowly lowly back to starting position and repeat.
Make sure smith machine is set up in alignment with bench
Sit slightly forward allowing the bar to travel behind your neck
Bring the bar down slowly without losing connection in your shoulders
Press high and repeat
Remember this can be very unsafe so controlled tempo and not too heavy
Grip the bar in front of you shoulder width apart
With a strong back and good posture slightly rotate shoulders backward to engage trapezius muscles and eleviate tension on neck.
Pull from your trapezius muscles and hold at peak contraction
Lower to starting position then repeat
Grab handles and lean back
Inch your feet forward to as much as you comfortably can and let the TRX take your weight.
Fully extend your arms then pull yourself up by pulling the handles outward finishing in the t position (This utilises your front delt)