Finding balance in your life is one of the most helpful and effective things you could ever do.
I personally have been criticised for this. People say I am all work and no play, which lead to a decrease in performance, mental equity, motivation and happiness.
It doesn’t matter how motivated and driven you are sometimes a little time doing something fun can recharge you.
Sending your motivation and drive through the roof rather than just go through the motions.
On the opposite end of the scale if you’re all play and no work you will never have any feeling of fulfilment, you will never accomplish anything .
Balance is the key to life!
Here are some helpful tips on how to balance your life:
You’ve heard the saying “If you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life” this really is the most important thing to finding life balance. It’s easier said than done but we’re all human, we all have two arms, two legs and a heartbeat. There is no reason you cannot do what you love for a living. Believe in yourself
The harder you work the more accomplished you feel. The more you accomplish the less you need to accomplish and the more progressive minded you are. This changes your thought pattern and positive thoughts lead to positive feelings, actions and results. The better your rest will be and you will be happier because you’re moving quickly towards your goal and living up to your potential
Plan Plan you week, allocate certain time for certain task and goals. Use a dairy or a planner. This will free up more time and more mental space. Also allocate time for rest, exercise, sleep and leisure. These things are needed for life balance.
You want to feel more energised, think clearly, look and feel better? Then you must look after your body. Adequate rest, a consistent and effective exercise regime and a nutritious diet. These things are usually the first things to go when schedules fill up or you get stressed but nothing is more important than your health. Even though these things take time you will find you will be a lot more productive and a lot happier if you stick to these things.
Often times we do things then ask ourselves why the hell did I do that. Filling your time with tasks or obligations that will not progress you will create extra work or a longer time working. Write down all your tasks then prioritise them from first to last.
When you do have some free time do something different. Try some new activities, make some memories, do something completely out of your element. LIVE Hate us at times but in the end you’ll love us!