Hardgainers is a term to describe ectomorphs or of a smaller frame who find it difficult to put on mass. This is my specialty. Finding it hard to put on weight? I know your pain. This was me. 49 kgs at 17 years old. You feel weak, insecure emasculated. On top of that for some reason more people find it easier point out when you’re underweight like it has no effect on you. Ever hear things like wow you’re skinny, it’s not healthy are you sick? I remember this and I remember it being seen as a weakness. People physically throwing you around just because they can. This led to me not thinking very highly of myself. I’d never have my own opinion, I’d laugh at jokes that weren’t funny and agree with everyone even though sometimes things were at my expense. I had a skinny mind which led to a skinny body. You need to know from day one that you are worthy and having the physique you want isn’t very far away. However how you look on the outside doesn’t completely reflect who you are on the inside. If you’re reading this you’re already progress minded and strong enough to make a change. Your mind is the power, you must condition your mind as well as conditioning your body. In my skinny to success system you will become stronger not only physically but mentally and emotionally too.
Learn from my experience. I’ve been doing this and this alone for the past 8 years. There are no shortcuts but I have learned from experience what works and what doesn’t. No feeling out process just results from the first session.
This really is my specialty. Trainers may market themselves like they can relate, post a 13 year old photo of themselves and claim to know how it feels but it’s clever marketing. For me the growth from the inside far exceeds the growth physically. It’s about creating the life you’ve always wanted and not being insecure with your small stature. I personally feel the industry caters so much on fat loss that people who are on the opposite end of the spectrum take similar advice. The weight loss industry is a huge industry and very important, however I feel hardgainers are overlooked. I want to be the exception. In my skinny to success system you will work personally with me. You’ll grow in all areas of your life on top of having the physique you desire.