Cortisol is a hormone released from your adrenal gland in response to physical—and mental—stress.
Can you see how detrimental stress can be. The saying stress will kill you even though it is exaggerated for effect it can definitely be harmful to your health.
When you’re stress it’s easy to dwell in it. You’re in a bubble, you must for you own health distress.

Cortisol also referred to as the stress hormone in elevated levels can:
- Lower immune function
- Increase fat gain
- Is catabolic (Muscle wastage)
- Increase blood pressure
- Increase the risk of heart disease
- Can bring out disease such as cancer, cirrhosis of the liver,
- Increase the risk of mental illness and depression
- Interfere with learning and memory
- Inhibit decision making
- Speed up the ageing process
- Increase nutrient intake
- Increase the use of alcohol, bad food and bad lifestyle choice On top of that can be exhausting.
Here are some tips to help you deal with stress:
May be easier said than done but if something is stressing you out then you must avoid it. If it is a heavy workload or things in your power then you it is different, if you’re more organised you can handle the workload more efficiently and with less stress. However if it is a certain person, situation or activity that is causing you stress then put yourself first.
ExerciseExercise on top of releasing endorphins that make you feel great it is also an outlet for any stressful position you are in. Not only will you release endorphins but you will be increasing your health, fitness and physique which will put you in a positive, progressive mindset and help you feel more confident and just happy overall.
Music has been proven to stimulate brainwaves. This action can improve mood and encourage behavioural changes. Music can improve concentration and alertness; produces calmness and a meditative state depending on the tempo of the music.
Take some time for yourself: Stress can be caused by an overwhelming number of obligations. Taking some time for yourself will allow you to tackle each problem with a clear head instead of feeling clustered. When you’re stressed you need to decompress and the best way to do that is to have some time for yourself.
Deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure. Often times when you’re stressed these things are elevated. Deep breathing will calm you down and let you tackle things more effectively.
Can be very hard to do when you’re stressed but laughter releases endorphins and can alleviate stress and anxiety. Laughing decreases levels of cortisol and adrenaline.
Often times we get stressed out by things that really don’t matter. Evaluate your goals and what you’re grateful for and the small things that are stressing you out will become a lot smaller.
Usually when stressed you’re on auto-pilot. Your body is flying through tasks but there in no one home in your mind. Be in the moment. Break down what you are doing. Slow everything down. There will be less tension and you will have more mental equity which will lower stress levels.
Food high in antioxidants and healthy fats have been proven to relieve stress. Supplements such as green tea, EFA’s (omega 3 fish oils), magnesium are very beneficial for anxiety, depression and stress. Chamomile is an effective herb to calm the nerves and put you in a relaxed state.
Talk to other people either about your problems or about something completely unrelated. Make sure you’re a good judge of character and talk to people who you know give you good advice or someone you can laugh and have a good time with.
Whenever you feel stressed make sure you acknowledge it. Use these tips to alleviate stress. Make sure you don’t overlook it and remain in a stressful environment. Stress is very detrimental to health. If you ignore the signs of stress and keep pushing through you can cause serious health detriment. However if you use these tips you can combat stress at it’s source.